Wednesday, June 21, 2017

2017 - Check this out!

Lately you have been saying “Check this out!” and doing something completely random, including:
-shutting the garbage can drawer in the kitchen
-splashing in the lake
-jumping up and down

We love you silly girl!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 / 6 - Super Bowl quote

On Sunday night, Daddy and I were watching the Super Bowl halftime show (Lady Gaga) and you came out of your room and said "I want to watch the movie too." I told you we weren't watching a movie and you said "Well, what you are watching?" in a very exasperated tone.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

2017 / 5 - Sunday School

Today you went into Catherine's Sunday School class and participated with the kids. Jameson helped you get downstairs and into your class.

You participated in class (answered questions), cut, glued, and passed out markers. I stayed with you in the class, but you were very comfortable and seemed to have fun.

I'm so proud of you for trying something new and being so brave!


Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017 / 4 - Silly girl

Lately, you have been calling Jameson "brother" instead of his name. So you'll say "I love my brother" or "Brother, I'm coming!"

You have also been saying "FINE!" when we ask you to do something that you don't really want to do.

We have a "Secret Life of Pets" cup that you refer to as the "Sika Sika Pets" cup.

You were eating popcorn and left your spot.  You came back and looked at the popcorn on the floor and said,  "Hey, what is this all about?"


Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 / 2 - Fish

We went to Country Springs today, and you spent four hours swimming around in the pool. There were water slides, a lazy river, and a playground, but you were just content swimming around in the big pool with your floaties on. Daddy stayed with you most of the time and I think he loved catching you as you jumped in and scaring you by going under water and popping up. Your cousins and brother came in and out, but you soldiered on and stayed in the pool. You came out to eat, but you were not happy to leave.

You are such a strong, brave swimmer. I have no doubt you'll be jumping off the edge of the pier this summer up north.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 / 1 - Who you are

One of the things I love most about you is your strength and determination. You are a strong, confident girl and can express your feelings about everything. You are not afraid to tell us "NO!" or "Stop that!" You love everything about Jameson, even when he's bugging you.

You can be sassy and angry one minute and silly and giggly the next.

You are going to rule the world, Remi girl!
